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General Informations for Students

International Programs

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University believes in the importance of internationalization and student and staff mobility and exchange programmes. Therefore, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University has signed bilateral agreements with some institutions in Europe and Middle East, and there are more attempts to increase the number of bilateral agreements and joint programmes.

Erasmus Exchange Program

The aim of Erasmus program is to enhance the quality of higher education in Europe. Promoting international cooperation among universities with students and staff exchange agreements contributes to the studies and the improvement of transparency and academic recognition of degrees.

Farabi Exchange Program

“Farabi” is a national student and staff exchange program between Higher Education Institutions in Turkey involving short, first, second and third cycle students as well as academic staff. Students can continue their education at another university for minimum one semester or two semesters at most.

Mevlana Exchange Program

“Mevlana” is an international exchange program enabling the Turkish higher education institutions to make bilateral agreements with the higher education institutions of other countries. Mevlana Exchange Program allows Turkish students to study at a partner foreign university for one (minimum) or two (maximum) semesters and Turkish academic staff to lecture abroad from one week (minimum) to three months (maximum). Accordingly, students and academic staff from any partner foreign university may benefit from this program studying or lecturing at a Turkish university. Turkish outgoing students as well as foreign incoming students within the program are granted scholarships in varied amounts by Turkish Council of Higher Education. Incoming and outgoing academic staff members are also paid travel allowance and additional course fees by Turkish Council of Higher Education.

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External Relations Office

Recep Tayyip Erdogan University

Zihni Derin Campus, 53100

Merkez, Rize, TURKIYE