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Short Cycle Programmes (Associate's Degree)
VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES - Accounting and Tax Applications - Önlisans
General Description

Recep Tayyip Erdogan University School of Social Sciences under the Ministry of National Education in 1976, Rize Vocational School was founded. In the section within the Social Sciences and Management Accounting and referral as the program opened. Accounting and Management Programs are divided into connected KTÜ'ne in 1982. Secondary education, as well as from the academic year 1992-1993 Education began in2001-Accounting Program since 2002, the name was changed to Computerized Accounting and Tax Program. Established in 2006, continued education and training RÜ'ne connected. Name changes made ​​in 2012, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, School of Social Sciences at the University Accounting and Tax Accounting and Tax Applications Program in the Division of Education and training is ongoing. Primary education, secondary education, 100 students in 2011-2012 to 100 in education and training is ongoing.

Qualification Awarded

Upon successful completion of the program graduates to fulfill all the requirements in the field of Accounting and Tax Applications Associate's Degree "will receive the degree.

Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle)

Specific Admission Requirements

Student admission to the program, "Recep Tayyip Erdogan About the University" section in the "Admissions" are described in detail .

Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)

Previous formal Turkish Higher Education institutions (formal) recognition of learning vertical, horizontal, and is determined by the Board of Higher Education of the university in the "INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION PROGRAMS UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS AND TRANSFERRING, DOUBLE MAJOR, MINOR AND CREDIT TRANSFER BETWEEN ACTION ON BASIS OF INSTITUTIONS However, the plans for training programs in English, German exemption exam for the courses are held at the beginning of each academic term. Students are expected to take examinations in these courses, students have the right qualifications who provides. Students who take the exam and pass the courses in the curriculum are exempt from the relevant course.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Which is available in the program (a total of 120 ECTS credits): Successfully complete all the courses and have a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 required for graduation.

Profile of The Programme

To pass without examination of all relevant practical areas together with graduates of vocational examination.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples

Students who graduate from this department considering their educational level and working entrepreneurs find their niche in the business world. Graduate students working in enterprises, many employed in banks found in educational and research institutions. In Public institutions, they can find work as clerks, provided they have the necessary KPSS score. In addition, graduates of the fields have finished a four-year higher education program can be nominated as an accountant and with financial advisor exams can enter all specialties related to their profession.

Access to Further Studies

Students who graduate from this program, if they gain access to, Banking and Finance, Banking and Finance, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Business Administration, Business Information Management, Business Informatics, Business Education, Business Administration and Economics, Logistics Management, Health Care Management, capital Markets, Insurance, Insurance and Risk Management, International Finance, International Business, International Business, International Trade, International Trade and Finance, International Trade and Business Administration, Management Information Systems degree programs can be placed. However, after graduatingthe students if they wish, may enter the relevant sections of the faculties of education through open education teaching DGS so that you can transfer tocontinuing education classes to be awarded a 4-year Bachelor Degree.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the University Undergraduate and Graduate Education and Exam Regulation is applied

Graduation Requirements

Graduation requirements "Qualification Requirements and Regulations" as described in the section

Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning )


Address, Programme Director or Equivalent

Head of Department: Ali YAZICI Phone: (90464) 228 23 34 Fax: (90464) 228-2338 E-mail: ali.yazici@erdoğ Deputy Head of Department: Phone: (90464) 228 23 34 Fax: (90464) 228 23 38 E-mail:


Lecturer in the 8 departments, with five instructors and 6 lecturers in education and training. Fully equipped with 18 classrooms, two computer labs with a capacity of 80 computers connected to the Internet in the library, 2 study rooms, a 120 person capacity conference hall, dining hall, volleyball court, basketball court and a canteen.

Key Learning Outcomes
Key Programme Learning Outcomes - NQF for HE in Turkey
TYYÇProgram Çıktıları
Course Structure Diagram with Credits
T : Theoretical P: Practice L : Laboratory
1. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
ATA101Atatürk Principles and Revolution History -ICompulsory2000388
ISY103Basic lawCompulsory2000388
MVU101General accountingCompulsory3000388
ISY105General managementCompulsory3000388
İBDG101Group Of Optional Courses-01Elective1100388
ENF111Information and Communication TechnologyCompulsory2000388
TDL101Turkish Language - ICompulsory2000388
2. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
MVU106Accounting practices and commercial documentsCompulsory2200388
ATA102Atatürk Principles and Revolution History -IICompulsory2000388
ISY104Business mathematics and statisticsCompulsory3000388
ISY102Commercial lawCompulsory2000388
MVU104Computerized office programsCompulsory2000388
İBDG102Group Of Optional Courses-02Elective1100388
MVU102Terminal accounting transactionsCompulsory3000388
STJ102Training CourseCompulsory0000388
TDL102Turkish Language-IICompulsory2000388
3. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
MVU203Computerized accounting-ICompulsory2200388
MVU201Cost accountingCompulsory3000388
SECMVU03Elective Course Group 03Elective3000388
ISY203Financial managementCompulsory3000388
ISY201Tax lawCompulsory2000388
4. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
MVU202Accounting controlCompulsory3000388
MVU204Computerized Accountig-IICompulsory2200388
SECMVU04Elective Course Group 04Elective3000388
MVU208Foreign trade transactions accountingCompulsory3000388
MVU206The Turkısh tax systemCompulsory2200388
STJ202Training Course Compulsory0000388
Elective Courses Group
Group Of Optional Courses-01
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
BEB103Beden Eğitimi-ICompulsory1100388
GSB109Güzel Sanatlar-ICompulsory1100388
Group Of Optional Courses-02
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
BEB104Beden Eğitimi-IICompulsory1100388
GSB110Güzel Sanatlar-IICompulsory1100388
Elective Course Group 03
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
DTC209Foreign trade operations managementCompulsory3000388
ISY207Quality management systemCompulsory3000388
ISY219Organizational BehaviorCompulsory3000388
ISY223Entrepreneurship and SMEs-ICompulsory3000388
ISY233Büro Yönetimi, İletişim ve TeknikleriCompulsory3000388
MVU205Public financeCompulsory3000388
MVU207Corporate accountingCompulsory3000388
MVU209Bank accountingCompulsory3000388
Elective Course Group 04
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
ISY202Financial statement analysisCompulsory3000388
ISY208Labor and social security lawCompulsory3000388
ISY220Communication and EthicsCompulsory3000388
ISY226Research methods and techniquesCompulsory3000388
ISY230Entrepreneurship and SMEs-IICompulsory3000388
MVU210Construction accountingCompulsory3000388
MVU212Accounting standardsCompulsory3000388
MVU214Law of ObligationsCompulsory3000388
MVU216Konaklama MuhasebesiCompulsory3000388