Yeni Bologna Ders Bilgi Paketi adresine taşınmıştır.
Short Cycle Programmes (Associate's Degree)
General Description

Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Rize Vocational School on March 1, 1976 as established under the Ministry of National Education, and the same year started training. As of July 20, 1982 linked to the Black Sea Technical University. Published in the Official Gazette dated July 10, 2001 by law No. 24 458 BTU Rize Vocational High School from 2002-2003 academic year, the Automotive Program became operational. Law No. 5467 dated 03.01.2006 and No. 2809 dated 28.03.1983 with additional items added to the Law on Organization of Higher Education Institutions and the program established with the Rize University, Rize University, Rize Vocational High School Automotive Technology Program in the Department of Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies under the Education - Training activities continued and name changes made ​​by Law No. 6287, dated 11Nisan 2012 Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Department of Motor Vehicles and Transport Technology Automotive Technology Program is continuing its activities under the name of education

Qualification Awarded

Upon successful completion of the program is to fulfill all the requirements of the intern graduates and 40 working days "in the field of Automotive Program'' and'' Automotive Technician Associate Degree diplomas are awarded the title of'' take.

Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle)

Specific Admission Requirements

Admission to the program within the Department of Student Affairs Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, the 'student admission and registration under the heading are described in detail.

Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)

Previous formal Turkish Higher Education institutions (formal) recognition of learning vertical, horizontal, and transitions within the university is determined by the Board of Higher Education "SHORT AND UNDERGRADUATE INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION, switch between programs, DOUBLE MAJOR, MINOR AND CREDIT TRANSFER BETWEEN ACTION ON BASIS OF INSTITUTIONS "Regulation is made under the. In Turkey, outside of the formal education certificate-based and experience-based non-formal (in-formal and non-formal) recognition process at an early stage of learning.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Which is available in the program (a total of 120 ECTS credits): Successfully complete all the courses and to have a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00, 40 Business days to be done internship condition of qualification required for graduation.

Profile of The Programme

Needs of industry, professional knowledge and skill level is high, easy to adapt to technological developments and quality of working life and humanity helpful to train a Automotive Technician.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples

Public and private sector enterprises from the automotive industry to meet the needs of qualified staff of engineers and workers also have the qualifications to open and run their own business on behalf of the olurlar.Montaj and service areas can work as technical staff.

Access to Further Studies

Here students graduated from the DGS exams Automotive engineering, mechanical engineering, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Marine Engineering Management Engineering, Airframe and Powerplant, Airframe and Powerplant maintenance of automotive, such as relevant, may transfer to degree programs

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the University Undergraduate and Graduate Education and Examination Regulations' are applied.

Graduation Requirements

They are registered in the curriculum, courses, applications, as well as all the requirements of 40 days internship work, Rize University, Associate Degree and Language Education and Examination Regulations?? successfully complete and in accordance with the General Weighted GPA (GPA) must be at least 2.00.

Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning )


Address, Programme Director or Equivalent

Head of Department: Öğr.Gör.Semih Mahmoud AKTARER semih.aktarer @ rize Vice Head of Department: Öğr.Gör.Sündüz KUK AKÇAİR Sunduz.akcair @ rize Erasmus / ECTS Coordinator: Öğr.Gör.Sündüz KUK Tlf AKÇAİR : 04642280032/2137 Sunduz.akcair @ rize Department secretary: Müslüm ÇETİNKAYA muslum.çetinkaya @ 04,642,280,032 / 2166


One Piece Automotive Workshop, Projector, Charging system, starter system with two petrol engines, the differential (turned on), synchromesh gearbox, front-wheel drive gear box, bulunmaktadır.Öğrencilere practical training given set of keys.

Key Learning Outcomes
1Mathematics, science, and engineering issues related to the field to gain basic theoretical and practical knowledge
2Using the basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field, interpret and evaluate data, identify problems, analyze and develop evidence-based solutions
3Are needed for applications in the field of modern techniques, tools, and selection and effective use of ICT in
4Technical drawing, computer-aided drafting, design using simulation programs in the field of making and using a variety of software systems and components to choose, to calculate the basic sizing, occupational plans and projects to draw
5Encounters unforeseen situations to produce solutions in the field of applications, the ability to conduct an individual research teams have the ability to gain or
6Effective communication techniques and innovations in the field to follow the judge be able to have the knowledge of a foreign language
7Awareness of the need for lifelong learning, science and technology to gain awareness of developments in the monitoring and continuous self-renewal
8Date values, respect, social responsibility, global, social and professional ethics, be able to have awareness of
9Learning techniques are needed for applications in the automotive and related measurement tools with the ability to use the knowledge and skills to gain about job security, occupational health, environmental protection and quality-conscious being as
10Ability to use computer software and hardware required in the field to gain a basic level of
11Examining the processes related to industrial and service sector to gain the ability to apply
12Business Location / Property skills, basic economic indicators to analyze, formulate the idea of ​​setting up the workplace, workplace organization and conduct operations, to open a place of business operations, and adapt as professional knowledge of the concepts of ethics and morality
Key Programme Learning Outcomes - NQF for HE in Turkey
TYYÇProgram Çıktıları
Course Structure Diagram with Credits
T : Theoretical P: Practice L : Laboratory
1. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
ATA101Atatürk Principles and Revolution History -ICompulsory2000549
ATA101Atatürk Principles and Revolution History -ICompulsory2002423
OTV103Automotive ElectricsCompulsory2207423
İBDG101Group Of Optional Courses-01Elective1100423
ENF111Information and Communication TechnologyCompulsory2000549
ENF111Information and Communication TechnologyCompulsory2002423
MKN103Scientific Principles of TechnologyCompulsory2004423
OTV101Technology of Gasoline Engines Compulsory2207423
TDL101Turkish Language - ICompulsory2002423
TDL101Turkish Language - ICompulsory2000549
2. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
ATA102Atatürk Principles and Revolution History -IICompulsory2002423
ATA102Atatürk Principles and Revolution History -IICompulsory2000549
OTV108Comfort SystemsCompulsory2002423
İBDG102Group Of Optional Courses-02Elective1100423
OTV106Hydraulic and PneumaticCompulsory3004423
OTV104Material TechnologyCompulsory2003423
OTV104Material TechnologyCompulsory2003549
MRS110Technical DrawingCompulsory1205423
MRS110Technical DrawingCompulsory1200549
OTV102Technology of Diesel Engines Compulsory2205423
STJ102Training CourseCompulsory0005423
STJ102Training CourseCompulsory0000549
TDL102Turkish Language-IICompulsory2000549
TDL102Turkish Language-IICompulsory2002423
3. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
OTV207 Test and Adjustments of EngineCompulsory2204423
SECOTV03Elective Course Group 03Elective30012423
OTV205Health and Safety at WorkCompulsory2003423
OTV203Motion Control SystemsCompulsory2204423
OTV203Motion Control SystemsCompulsory2200549
ISG201Occupational Health and SafetyCompulsory3000549
OTV201Power TrainCompulsory2204423
STJ201Training Course Compulsory0003423
STJ201Training Course Compulsory0000549
4. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
OTV204 Mechanics of Motor VehiclesCompulsory2204423
ELT208Computer Aided DrawingCompulsory2204549
ELT208Computer Aided DrawingCompulsory2204423
SECOTV04Elective Course Group 04Elective30012423
OTV202Engine Thermodynamics and Alternative FuelsCompulsory2204423
OTV206Entrepreneurship, Quality Assurance StandardCompulsory2003423
STJ202Training Course Compulsory0003423
STJ202Training Course Compulsory0000549
Elective Courses Group
Group Of Optional Courses-01
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
BEB103Beden Eğitimi-ICompulsory1100423
GSB109Güzel Sanatlar-ICompulsory1100423
Group Of Optional Courses-02
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
BEB104Beden Eğitimi-IICompulsory1100423
GSB110Güzel Sanatlar-IICompulsory1100423
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
ACY233İlk YardımCompulsory2000549
ISY237İşletme YönetimiCompulsory2000549
ISY239Kalite Güvence ve StandartlarıCompulsory2000549
OTV215Taşıt İklimlendirmesiCompulsory2000549
OTV219Emisyon Kontrol TeknolojisiCompulsory2000549
OTV221Alternatif Motorlar ve YakıtlarCompulsory2000549
OTV223Servis DonanımlarıCompulsory2000549
OTV225Çevre KorumaCompulsory2000549
YBD209Vocational Foreign LanguageCompulsory2000549
Elective Course Group 03
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
ISY209Research Methods and TechniquesCompulsory3004423
ISY217General and Technical CommunicationCompulsory3003423
OTV209Measuring TechniqueCompulsory3004423
OTV211Machine ElementsCompulsory3004423
OTV213Vehicle Air-ConditioningCompulsory3004423
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
MAT228Matematik UygulamalarıCompulsory2000549
OTV224Hidrolik Pnomatik SistemlerCompulsory2000549
OTV226Otomotivde Malzeme TeknolojileriCompulsory2004549
OTV228Otomatik TransmisyonlarCompulsory2000549
OTV230Emisyon Kontrol SistemleriCompulsory2000549
OTV232Hasar Tespit ve DeğerlendirmeCompulsory2000549
OTV234Mühendislik BilimiCompulsory2000549
OTV236Otomotivde Yeni TeknoloilerCompulsory2000549
OTV238Serviste Davranış ve KaliteCompulsory2000549
Elective Course Group 04
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
OTV208Emission Control TechnologyCompulsory3000423
OTV210Automotive electronicsCompulsory3004423
OTV212Material Technology in AutomotiveCompulsory3004423
OTV214New Technology in AutomotiveCompulsory3000423
OTV216System Analysis and DesignCompulsory3004423