Yeni Bologna Ders Bilgi Paketi adresine taşınmıştır.
Short Cycle Programmes (Associate's Degree)
General Description

University of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Vocational School of Technical Sciences Machine Program, in 1992, depending on the Karadeniz Technical University, Higher Education / World Bank within the scope of cooperation has been established. Law No. 5467 dated 28.03.1983 and dated 01.03.2006 and numbered 2809 with additional items added to the Constitution of Higher Education Act of Rize University was established by Law No. 6287 dated April 11, 2012 also with a change in name, University of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Technical Sciences Department of Machine and Metal Technology High School continues its activities under the Education and Training.

Qualification Awarded

Mechanical Technician

Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle)

Specific Admission Requirements

Admission to the program in the Department of Student Affairs Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan University in the "Student Admission and Registration under the heading" described in detail.

Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)

Previous formal Turkish Higher Education institutions (formal) recognition of learning vertical, horizontal, and transitions within the university is determined by the Board of Higher Education "SHORT AND UNDERGRADUATE INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION, switch between programs, DOUBLE MAJOR, MINOR AND CREDIT TRANSFER BETWEEN ACTION ON BASIS OF INSTITUTIONS "Regulation is made under the. Outside of formal educational institutions in Turkey, certificate-based or experience-based non-formal (in-formal and non-formal) recognition process at an early stage of learning.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Which is available in the program (a total of 120 ECTS credits): Successfully complete all the courses and to have a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00, 40 business days to be done internship condition of qualification required for graduation.

Profile of The Programme

Industry who need a high level of professional knowledge and skills, work life and easy to adapt to technological developments, a Mechanical Technician to train high quality and beneficial to humanity.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples

Public and private sector enterprises; Machining Production area, Machine Construction, Quality Control, Installation and service areas can work as technical staff. Also can open their own businesses.

Access to Further Studies

Here students are graduating, DGS examinations of Open Education faculties of the machine and also about the Bachelor degree programs in relevant parts of the switch can be done.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Midterm Exam 30%, Mid-term study 20%, Final exam 50%, gives the grade point average. Associate Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Language Education and Examination Regulation of the University?? Evaluation system is applied in accordance with the note.

Graduation Requirements

They are registered in courses in the curriculum, implementation, operation of 40 working days as well as all the requirements of the internship, University Associate Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Language Education and Examination Regulations?? successfully complete and in accordance with the General Weighted GPA (GPA) must be at least 2.00 out of 4.00.

Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning )


Address, Programme Director or Equivalent

Head of the Department; Inst. View. Vice Chairman Murat CAN murat.can @ 0.464.2280032/2117; Inst. View. Murat CAN murat.can @ 0.464.2280032/2117 Department Erasmus and ECTS Coordinator; Abdullah Ayaz, abdullah.ayaz @ 0.464.2280032/2117 Secretary of the Department; Muslim Cetinkaya, müslim.çetinkaya @ erdogan . 0.464.2280032/2166


Workshops and Laboratories: Computer Lab = 24 pcs. Computers, CAD-CAM Lab = 24 pcs. Computer, CNC Lab = 4 pcs. CNC lathe, Machine Shop = 12 pcs. Lathe, 3 pcs. Milling machines, 1 Source Workshop, Painting Drawing Workshop 2 pcs

Key Learning Outcomes
Key Programme Learning Outcomes - NQF for HE in Turkey
TYYÇProgram Çıktıları
Course Structure Diagram with Credits
T : Theoretical P: Practice L : Laboratory
1. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
ATA101Atatürk Principles and Revolution History -ICompulsory2000545
MKN105Base Manufacturing ApplicationsCompulsory2020545
ENF111Information and Communication TechnologyCompulsory2000545
MKN107Occupational Technology -ICompulsory2000545
MKN103Scientific Principles of TechnologyCompulsory2000545
MRS109Technical DrawingCompulsory2200545
TDL101Turkish Language - ICompulsory2000545
2. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
ATA102Atatürk Principles and Revolution History -IICompulsory2000545
MKN112Manufacturing Practices -ICompulsory2020545
MKN108Measurement and ControlCompulsory3000545
MKN106Mechanical DrawingCompulsory2200545
MKN114Occupational Technology -IICompulsory2000545
MKN102Stress of MetarialsCompulsory2000545
STJ102Training CourseCompulsory0000545
TDL102Turkish Language-IICompulsory2000545
ISG102Working Health and SafetyCompulsory3000545
3. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
MKN201Computer Aided DrawingCompulsory2200545
MRS207Computer Aided ManufacturingCompulsory3000545
SECMKN03Elective Course Group 03Elective3000545
MKN211Machine ElementsCompulsory3000545
MKN219Manufacturing Practices -IICompulsory2020545
MKN203Materials TechnologyCompulsory2000545
STJ201Training Course Compulsory0000545
4. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
MKN216Advanced Manufacturing MethodsCompulsory3000545
MKN202Computer Aided DesignCompulsory1200545
SECMKN04Elective Course Group 04Elective3000545
MKN206Hydraulic and Pneumatic SystemsCompulsory2200545
ISY210Quality Assurance and Standards Compulsory2000545
MKN208System Analysis and DesignCompulsory2000545
STJ202Training Course Compulsory0000545
Elective Courses Group
Elective Course Group 03
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
ISY243Entrepreneurship -ICompulsory3000545
MKN205CNC Turning TechnologyCompulsory3000545
MKN213Welding TechnologyCompulsory3000545
MKN215Environmental ProtectionCompulsory3000545
MKN217Industrial Product DesignCompulsory3000545
MKN223Manufacturing MethodsCompulsory3000545
MKN225Mechanism TechniqueCompulsory3000545
Elective Course Group 04
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
ELK218Professional EthicsCompulsory3000545
ISY242Entrepreneurship -IICompulsory3000545
MAT226Math ApplicationsCompulsory3000545
MKN204CNC Milling TechnologyCompulsory3000545
MKN212Reverse Engineering and Quality ControlCompulsory3000545
MKN214Fluid MechanicsCompulsory3000545
MKN218Computer-Aided AssemblyCompulsory3000545
MKN220Business Management and EntrepreneurshipCompulsory3000545
MKN222Mold TechnologyCompulsory3000545
MKN224CAM SoftwareCompulsory3000545