Yeni Bologna Ders Bilgi Paketi adresine taşınmıştır.
Short Cycle Programmes (Associate's Degree)
General Description

Rize Vocational established under the Ministry of Education on March 01, 1976, and began training the same year. Since July 20, 1982 Black Sea Technical University is connected to. Law No. 5467 dated 01.03.2006 and 03.28.1983 dated and 2809 with Higher Education Institutions Rize University, with additional material added to the Organization Law was established. Rize Vocational High School, No. 2880 dated 09.02.2012 with the decision of the Higher Education Technical Sciences Vocational School took its name. Rize University, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 11 April 2012. Law No. 6287 took the name University. Building Inspection Program, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Technical Vocational High okuluinşaat Technology from 2010 under the Department of Education continues to this main activity. Building Inspection Technician education of a contemporary theoretical and practical instruction given in the chapter tried to period is 2 years and the language of instruction is Turkish.

Qualification Awarded

Upon successful completion of the program and fulfill all the requirements of 40 working days (8 weeks) graduates who work internship "Building associate's degree in the field of audit" will receive the degree. Building Inspection Technician Title win.

Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle)

Specific Admission Requirements

Program student admission "Recep Tayyip Erdogan about the University" section in the "Admissions" is described in detail under the heading.

Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)

Turkish higher education institutions earlier formal (formal) vertical recognition of learning, horizontal and transitions within the university to be determined by the Board of Higher Education "HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS in the undergraduate and graduate levels at PROGRAMMES BETWEEN THE CROSSING, DOUBLE MAJOR, MINOR AND INSTITUTIONS INTERNATIONAL CREDIT TRANSFERS MADE ON THE BASIS REGULATIONS "projects are being done. Outside educational institutions of formal education in Turkey based certificate that is not formal or based on experience (in-formal and non-formal) is an early aşamasındadır.b recognition of the learning process, therefore, recognition of prior learning in the Recep Tayyip Erdogan University is not fully initialized. However, in the training schedule of the computer program, the beginning of each academic semester exam exemptions for courses such as English and German are organized. Students who have the right to take examinations that provide the expected adequacy of these courses. Students who successfully complete enter the exam are exempt from the related course in the program.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Adequacy requirements and compliance regulations are determined by YÖK. The program is available (total of 120 ECTS) to successfully complete all the courses, having at least 2.00 weighted GPA of 4.00 and 40 working days (8 weeks) is a necessary prerequisite for qualification to complete the compulsory internship graduation.

Profile of The Programme

Technical Vocational School of Construction Technology Department, Building Control areas in need of industrial, professional knowledge and skill level is high, that could easily adapt to business life and technological developments, quality and humanity of useful information and producing technology, building control technicians in accordance with the developed and the purpose equipment training is higher education institutions. To take part individuals in the Building Inspection sector at national and international level, carrying out educational activities, responding to this request, taking into account requests from the environment and the region, educating the industry needed technical personnel, sector, region and become part contributing to the development of the country. Curriculum is designed to give basic contemporary Building Inspection. Students in the first 20 working days of summer vacation 2, the second in just 20 working days or 40 working days, including a second summer holiday in the area of ​​Building Inspection must do vocational training for 8 weeks.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples

Construction Technology Department of Vocational, industrial, professional knowledge and the need for skill level building control technician in accordance with ease in the control area of the building, business, and technological developments, quality and useful information could be adapted to mankind and producing technology, which is highly developed equipment and training to higher education institutions. Response to this request, carrying out training activities, taking into account the demand environment and of the accounts, industry technical personnel, sector, region required training, national and pick up the piece of individuals in the Building Inspection sector at the international level and contribute in part into national development. The curriculum is designed to provide basic modern building inspection. 2 of the first 20 working days of summer vacation, students, construction including a second summer holiday in the control area, just 20 business days or 40 business days, you need to make vocational training during the second 8 weeks.

Access to Further Studies

Public and private sector enterprises in the field of construction, as technicians can work in the construction supervisor.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

From here, graduate students associated with the construction of the DGS is able to switch their graduate programs.

Graduation Requirements

30% of the midterm exam and 20% of the work of semester final exam gives 50% of the GPA. Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Associate and Bachelor Degree Education and Examination Regulations ?? evaluation system is implemented in accordance with note.

Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning )


Address, Programme Director or Equivalent

Head of Department and ECTS / DS Coordinator: Lecturer Doğanay YILMAZ Tel: 0.464.2280032 / 2108


Workshops and Laboratories: 1. Computer Lab (24. PC) 2. CAD Laboratory (24. PC), 3. Hydraulic Laboratory, 4. Surveying (Topography) equipment 5. Concrete testing Laboratory, 6th Floor Laboratory, 7 . Building Model Laboratory Laboratory Asphalt 8, 9. Picture Drawing Studio (Common) 2 40 persons

Key Learning Outcomes
Key Programme Learning Outcomes - NQF for HE in Turkey
TYYÇProgram Çıktıları
Course Structure Diagram with Credits
T : Theoretical P: Practice L : Laboratory
1. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
ATA101Atatürk Principles and Revolution History -ICompulsory2000551
ENF111Information and Communication TechnologyCompulsory2000551
INP103Professional ApplicationsCompulsory2200551
MRS109Technical DrawingCompulsory2200551
TDL101Turkish Language - ICompulsory2000551
2. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
ATA102Atatürk Principles and Revolution History -IICompulsory2000551
INP108Concrete TechnologyCompulsory2200551
INP102Statics and Strength Of ConstructionCompulsory2200551
STJ102Training CourseCompulsory0000551
TDL102Turkish Language-IICompulsory2000551
ISG102Working Health and SafetyCompulsory3000551
3. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
YAP201Building and Land SurveyingCompulsory3000551
INP209Computer Aided DraftingCompulsory1200551
SECYAP03Elective Course Group 03Elective3000551
YAP205Quality Assurance and Standards for EntrepreneurshipCompulsory2000551
INP207Reinforced ConcreteCompulsory3000551
STJ201Training Course Compulsory0000551
4. Semester
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
YAP208Applications of Building İnspectionCompulsory1200551
YAP206Construction Cost and FeasibilityCompulsory2200551
YAP204Determination of Structure Damage Repair and StrengtheningCompulsory2000551
SECYAP04Elective Course Group 04Elective3000551
YAP210General and Professional LawCompulsory2000551
YAP202Soil Mechanics and Foundation ConstructionCompulsory2000551
STJ202Training Course Compulsory0000551
Elective Courses Group
Elective Course Group 03
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
INP221Su Temini ve İletimiCompulsory3000551
YAP211Zoning Regulations and Constructıon Site OrganizationCompulsory3000551
YAP215İşletme YönetimiCompulsory3000551
YAP217Road ConstructionCompulsory3000551
Elective Course Group 04
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of CourseTPLECTSMufredatID
INP224Bilgisayar Destekli Proje AnaliziCompulsory3000551
INP226Atık Sular ve Çevre KorumaCompulsory3000551
MAT226Math ApplicationsCompulsory3000551
YAP212Construction LaboratoryCompulsory3000551
YAP214Steel StructureCompulsory3000551
YAP216Structure İnstallationsCompulsory3000551